Sell Without Selling Podcast

Episode #58

Programmed to Pursue Success with Kiana Langfeldt

On this episode of Sell Without Selling, Stacey’s daughter Kiana Langfeldt joins the conversation to discuss time management, excuses, discipline and much more.

Key Takeaways:

  • Excuses could be the difference between success and failure.
  • Feeling successful while doing the work everyday is the goal.
  • Discipline will affect you not just in business but also in everyday life.

“What I’ve noticed when dealing with successful entrepreneurs… they seem to not have excuses.” -Kiana Langfeldt



(First ~2 mins)

Hey, this is Kiana Langfeldt, student and training coordinator of Pivot Point Advantage, and if you want to learn the six and seven figure science to success, significantly increase your revenue, and learn how to successfully build professional relationships, you should be listening to the Sell Without Selling Podcast with my amazing mom, and friend, Stacey O’Byrne.


Hey. Welcome back to another episode of Sell Without Selling. I am your host, Stacey O’Byrne and today I am speaking with my daughter, Kiana Langfeldt. I believe that learning the art and the science of how to sell without selling is the only way to achieve high six and seven figure success.

I am so excited to get into today’s conversation with Kiana. This is going to be a phenomenal conversation, and a proud mom moment, I might add. Really quick, if you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or sales professional, and you haven’t hit the level of success that you wanted or needed, or if you’re stuck and needing a pivot in your success, or maybe you just want more and you understand the importance of inserting yourself in an environment with like-minded entrepreneurs that’s high caliber, along with high levels of accountability, strategies, and success mindset, and if you’re just ready to get over everything that has held you back and you really want to dive into your success, then we invite you visit our website at There is a quick application there that will lead to a personal phone call with me so that we can see what it is that you get to do to make shift happen.

Stacey: Hey, Kiana. How are you?

Kiana: I’m good.

Stacey: I am really glad to have you on the show, and really quick – just to give everyone a history, Kiana, yes, is my daughter, and yes, this is a very proud mom moment. And also, she runs the operations for our corporation Success Solutions, which is all encompassing of Pivot Point Advantage, our neurolinguistics programming training company, success strategy and coaching company, and also all of our TEAM Referral Network franchise territories. So, Kiana is our training coordinator, our student coordinator, our operations person, and our executive assistant and just all in all helps all of our clientele and does a really good job at it. One of the reasons why I had invited Kiana on the show is Kiana has been inserted in the neurolinguistics programming environment her entire life, so for 20 years. And every time she comes to boot camp or to one of our trainings, a lot of the adults tell her that she thinks differently. She speaks differently. The joke that goes around is they’re jealous that she grew up the way she grew up. It was funny because she came to be one day and she goes, “Mom, I didn’t realize that most people don’t speak like this or think like this.” So although this show really focuses on six and seven figure income earners, I really wanted to bring a 20 year old on the show so that we can really get to the heart of mindset, both positive and negative.

To listen to the rest of this podcast, please click the link below.