Most business owners and entrepreneurs struggle with finding people, struggle with filling their pipeline and struggle to keep the eternal pipeline/funnel streaming people into their business.
But, there is a key to powering through this struggle. And that’s lead generation.
It’s all about lead generating.
Every business needs a few solid lead generation techniques. It doesn’t matter if you run a home-based business, if you have a small business, if you have a brick and mortar business, if you work for someone else, or if you’re in direct sales, you need lead generation.
And there are a lot of lead generation techniques out there.
Some lead-generating techniques have made me thousands of dollars, some have made me hundreds of thousands of dollars, and some have made me millions of dollars.
Some are very basic and some aren’t so basic. Some are way outside the box. Some are going to be easy to implement and some will be difficult. Some you can do yourself and some you’ll need to hire out. Some of these lead generation ideas are free, some are low-cost, and some are more pricey.
Before you begin lead generating, though, you need to get clear on who you are, what you do, and who you do it for. If you aren’t clear on these things, you’ll waste countless hours and money seeking the wrong people for your product, service, or solution.
Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Begin Lead Generating:
- What is your product?
- What need does it fill?
- Who’s your target market? What demographics define your market?
- Who are your competitors? What do your competitors offer? How are you different from your competitors? How is your product, service, or solution better than that of your competitors?
- How do you want to brand yourself?
- What is your value proposition? Why should people do business with you?
Most Importantly, before you begin lead generating, ask yourself this…
What are your strengths as a marketer? Your answer to this question will determine where you begin lead generating. But don’t stop there. Don’t stop in your comfort zone. Absolutely do those things first, but don’t stop there.
Your business is going to grow as you grow. Try new things. Try new techniques. Really stretch yourself, diversify, and step outside your comfort zone. That is where you grow the most and that is where success is found.
The Bottom Line.
If you’re in sales, you’re in marketing. It’s a numbers game. It doesn’t matter what business you’re in, it’s a numbers game. The more people in your pipeline, the more people in your funnel, and the more sales you’ll make.
For 70+ lead generation techniques that I’ve used over the past 15+ years to feed my pipeline and fill my funnel, click the link below.