Have you ever found yourself in a time of transition? Of course, you have. Transitions happen continually throughout each year.
- The transition into or out of the holiday season
- The beginning or end of a school year
- The transition between any two seasons
And new or different transitions can happen each year.
- The birth of a child
- The loss of a loved one
- The ending of an important relationship
- Becoming an empty-nester
Transitions are happening all the time all around us. And these transitions can hit us hard. We could feel completely unbalanced, out of control, and like this moment will never end or get better.
For me, I like to think of these times in a bit of a fun and different way. Let me explain.
I like to imagine that everything gets thrown into a pot. Not only does everything get thrown into the pot, but we kind of have to understand and make everything work together cohesively…
- Our schedules
- Our personal lives
- Our business lives
- The needs, wants, desires, and expectations of our clients
We have to get all of this into that pot and stirred together so that it doesn’t end up boiling over.
I like to call these times of transition – Entrepreneur Goulash.
I truly and honestly believe that there are times when a little motivation goes a long way! These times, when we’re trying to keep our Entrepreneur Goulash from boiling over – they are HARD.
As entrepreneurs, small business owners, and salespeople, it’s easy for us to get discouraged when things don’t happen the way we’ve envisioned, expected, desired, or planned for them to happen.
But, keep doing what you’re doing.
Anything you thought was worth it, is worth it.
Anything worth doing is worth the work required to do it.
Keep in mind that you are not alone. Your fellow entrepreneurs, small business owners, and salespeople struggle too, especially in these times of transition. They struggle to keep their pot from boiling over, just like you. Their pots are also full of clients’ needs, kids’ schedules, responsibilities, and life events, too. Every day, we all wake up with a new pot of goulash.
Now, aside from remembering that others doing what we do struggle the same as we do (even if we don’t see it), what else can we do to stay inspired, motivated, and focused when all we really want to do is just try to keep everything from blowing up in the pot?
The answer is simple. I believe all entrepreneurs, small business owners, and salespeople should carry with them mantras.
Oftentimes, these mantras come in the form of or evolve from motivational quotes that inspire, motivate, and drive YOU to do what it is you know you need to do. The type of inspiration that pushes you to achieve what it is you know you deserve to achieve. Find these quotes and determine what it is that they mean to you and for you.
Hopefully, some of that inspiration and motivation will click on a lightbulb for you.