What you put into this year is definitely what you will get out of it. Bottom line – implement, implement, implement. Put a plan into action. A plan without action is nothing more than a dream.

So what are those obstacles that prevent you from success in your life and business? And, what typically creates obstacles for some people?  

No matter who you are, how well you do, how much success you’ve achieved, at some point in your life, you’ve been presented with either a limiting decision or a limiting belief.

Limiting Beliefs and Decisions

In NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), we talk a lot about working with limiting beliefs and limiting decisions and how to get through them. We call these decisions or beliefs because they are not something we’re born with. These are something that we decided or develop as a belief over time. Sometimes this happens consciously and sometimes they happen unconsciously. Sometimes a decision creates a belief and sometimes a belief creates a decision. 

No matter how these limiting beliefs and decisions have come about for you, they truly run your life whether you realize it or not. They prevent us from becoming who we wish to be, what we wish to become, doing what we wish to do, and having what we want to have. 

Over the past twenty years there have been numerous studies done that have shown what we perceive and how we feel emotionally in a situation and how we perform is completely related to what we believe and ultimately to decisions and choices we make. This ultimately impacts every single decision we make in life.

Let me repeat that for you. What we perceive and how we feel emotionally in a situation and how we perform is completely related to what we believe which ultimately impacts the decisions we make. Both consciously and unconsciously. There will be some things you will be completely aware of and others that you’re going to have no idea about.

So how does this show up for you? You may or may not be aware of it.

How has this impacted your life? You may or may not be aware of it.

How has this impacted your business? You may or may not be aware of it.

How has this impacted your income? You may or may not be aware of it.

How does this show up for you?

Some of the Most Common Limiting Decisions and Beliefs

Here is a list of some of the most common limiting beliefs and decisions I’ve heard in my years as a speaker and trainer:

  • I’m not good enough
  • I’m not smart enough
  • I’m not pretty enough
  • I’m not tall enough
  • I’m not thin enough
  • I’m too old
  • I don’t have enough money
  • I can’t do that

Have any of these show up for you? Have you ever spoken those words or thought those thoughts? 

Doing what I do in the arena of personal and professional development, I’m told all the time, “Oh, I can’t afford that.” One of the things I respond with on a regular basis is, “When did you decide that?” 

The reality is, I don’t do what I do to get money from people. Now don’t get me wrong, getting paid for what I do is how I make my living. However, if you know me, you know that I do what I do for others because my passion and my purpose are helping people achieve and obtain the success that I’ve had. It’s my passion to help others do this effortlessly. Do I get paid to do it? Yes, I do.  But I try to do it in a cost-effective manner. 

Saying, “I can’t afford that,” is a limiting decision. You decided that. You created a belief that you didn’t have and couldn’t get the money. That’s not the reality. 

Limiting decisions and limiting beliefs creates a reality for you that doesn’t serve you in life. 

Now that you understand limiting beliefs and limiting decisions, let’s find out how to overcome them! Check out my audio training, Overcoming Limiting Decisions and Limiting Beliefs, to learn exactly how you can overcome your limiting decisions and beliefs! 

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