Sell Without Selling Podcast

Episode #43

The Power of Consistency

On this episode of Sell Without Selling, Stacey talks about the power of consistency in order to create success!

Key Takeaways about the Power of Consistency:

  • Identify the actions that create the desired results and be consistent in them.
  • Show up no matter what!
  • Manage your expectations.
  • Accept responsibility for your behavior.

“Success and or the lack thereof is a culmination of actions that we do on a consistent and continual basis.” -Stacey O’Byrne



(First ~2 mins)


Alright let’s get into today’s topic – the power of consistency in order to effortlessly create success. I get asked all the time how I’ve been and become so successful. How success is easy and effortless for me, and how my clients are also successful. And the answer is easy. There is no cookie cutter answer.

Think about it. When you go see a personal trainer, and you want to lose weight, you want to get in shape, you want that beach body, that summer body back, what do they tell you? Or what would you do if they told you. The answer is easy – all you have to do is eat right, move more, eat less, and eat more of the right foods. Well you can sit back and go, “Yeah, no duh.” And reality is that isn’t going to help you get your results.

So success is no different. There is no cookie cutter answer. I can tell you a big key that is applicable to success, and the power behind it, and that is consistency. Consistency in planning, consistency in following your plan, consistency in networking, and let’s even use the F words – Follow up and Follow through. How about consistency in marketing. How about consistency in working on yourself. There’s so much more that gets attributed and contributed to success. And reality is this, consistency in doing the right things is the key to success. Consistency leads to habits, and habits create and determine your actions. Success and/or the lack thereof is a culmination of actions that we do on a consistent and continual basis.

To listen to the rest of this podcast, please click the link below.