Making a plan is the most important thing we must do to achieve the life we want, but we often jump into action without one. This year, I want you to think about a plan for the next 365 days because if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
During all my years in business, I’ve realized that the years I entered without a robust plan were the ones I look back on as bad years. And the years I took the time to plan, well, those are the years I blew my goals out of the water. So in the final quarter of each year, I take the time to set goals in several major categories in my life. And what I acknowledge is that many of these pillars in my life are intertwined and related. So when I create a plan for each, I look at them separately and in combination.
Here are several categories I consider:
- Mental and physical health, including things like my image and appearance
- My personal life, such as where I find peace and relaxation or what I do for recreation
- Relationships with your family, friends, significant others, and business relationships as these relationships are often closely related to our career goals.
- What success might look like in your career and how you might get there this year
- My spiritual goals
- My financial goals
I write these pillars down in list form and rate my current success in each area on a scale of 1-10. This list is a straightforward way to define my starting point because I need to know where I currently am to understand where I am going.
When I make this list, I look at my area of greatest need and make the most significant goals in that category. In the other areas, I make smaller goals. This is to ensure that I can place the 100 percent I have to give in the right places. I only take on what I can be successful with, which is a great way to create balance.
Once I have a list of goals, I clarify them by asking, “What is the purpose of pursuing this goal?” Define “Why?” When I can define the reason behind doing what I do, I’m able to self-initiate action toward my goals, maintain momentum and understand that nothing can stop me from achieving success.
Next, I get clarity on the steps I need to achieve each goal and then break those steps down into smaller steps. Then, finally, I put these steps on my calendar to commit myself to show up. I make these actions a priority because if they are on my schedule, they are important.
Finally, I align myself with accountability partners who want as much out of me as I want for myself. These like-minded people know that I’ll find a way if I want something badly enough. I avoid surrounding myself with people who make excuses because that makes it easier for me to make excuses. Instead, I ensure the people I surround myself with are not anchors but instead lift me toward success. Additionally, I set myself up with experts in each of these pillars who can acknowledge any blind spots I may have when achieving these goals, and their mentorship has been invaluable.
This whole goal-setting and planning process takes around one week and sets me up for a year of success. If this process, and the goals you create for yourself, don’t scare you, you’re playing too small. When you ask small, you’ll stay small; if you ask big, you can be bigger than you even dreamed of.
If you want help setting goals for this upcoming year, you can grab a wheel of life by reaching out to me on social media. And if you are looking for a more in-depth exploration of this process, join our upcoming Successology™ Virtual Boot Camp on January 13, 2023, from 10 am-1 pm PST. Use code SHIFTMD to pay just $97. That’s a $100 savings!