For those of you who know me, you know networking is my wheelhouse. It’s how I’ve built two seven-figure businesses and multiple six-figure businesses. For those of you who don’t know me, please understand, I am telling you this not for the purpose of impressing you, but sheerly for the purpose of impressing upon you that networking is one of the best marketing strategies available to you. When you truly understand how to show up, it will pay you 10x forward. You will learn How to Network Your Way to Success.

Look, there are so many ways to advertise and market your business. In my humble opinion, the most powerful way that has helped me achieve success is networking. So much so that roughly 10 years ago, I wrote a book called “Secrets to Becoming a Master Networker.” It covers everything I did from the networking perspective to build a seven-figure business at that time. 

I’ve used these strategies, these principles, these concepts, and this philosophy over and over and over again, and I have established a line of wealth that has allowed me to live the life of my dreams, and I’ve taught many others how to do the same. 

Before we get deeper into networking your way to success, I want to share this with you – there is an immense amount of strategy and philosophy involved in networking. So, remember that there is a very deep human element associated with networking.

What is networking?

Networking is where the science and behavior of human excellence meet referral-based relationship marketing.

Networking is one of those things that you either love or you hate. Rarely do you ever hear someone in the in-between. When I hear someone tell me networking doesn’t work, all that tells me is that they don’t have a solid networking strategy. Or, it tells me they’re showing up and then simply net-welling, net-vomiting, or net-socializing instead of net-connecting and networking. 

How to Network Successfully

In order for networking to be a successful growth strategy, it is important to understand what networking is. It is about truly showing up to congregate and affiliate with like-minded people. You cast out a net and learn to work through it. 

So, what’s the work involved in networking? It is not selling. It’s about meeting people and identifying who strategically aligns with you. 

What does “How to Network Your Way to Success” mean?

Well, look for careers and professions that have the same perspective client avatar as you. Then, as you meet these people, establish a relationship with them. It is a lot like a marriage. It is an investment of time. 

  • It isn’t about showing up at an event, meeting people, and expecting business immediately as a result.  
  • It is about showing up at an event, meeting people, getting to know them, and then adding value to the relationship. AND this being reciprocated. 

There are different types of people out there that you are going to meet. Some will be casual referral partners. Some will be strategic referral partners. Some will be friendly competitors. 

Can networking lead to friendships? Absolutely. Networking is an investment in time and in relationships. How to Network Your Way to Success is all about teaching you how to make meaningful connections. 

Networking strategies: 

  • Face-to-face networking – this is opening up again in our current post-pandemic times. 
  • Virtual or Digital networking – think Zoom networking events.
  • Social Media networking – in groups, through hashtags, and more.

Though there are different types of networking, the principles remain the same:

  • You need a plan. 
  • You need to have clear goals.

If you find yourself saying, “Networking doesn’t work!” Step back and ask yourself, “What am I doing to make it work?”

If you want to be a success magnet, attract quality people, and significantly increase your sales and ultimately, your success – you’re in the right place! If you’re ready to take yourself and your business to the next level, let’s chat.