On this week’s episode of Sell Without Selling, Stacey breaks down a priceless take on the “One Call Close” and offers insight on why some salespeople close at 10% and others close at 80%. 

Key Takeaways:

-Never stop working on yourself.

-Never stop investing in yourself.

-It’s important to know who your perspective client is.

Tweetable Quotes:

“When talking about your perspective client, it’s important to realize that it’s not a matter of if they’re going to buy… but a matter of who they’re going to buy from.” -Stacey O’Byrne

“Get clarity on how you should show up.” -Stacey O’Byrne


Instagram: @pivotpointadvantage

Schedule a 15 minute call with Stacey: https://pivotpointadvantage.com/talktostacey

If you’re ready to take yourself and your business to the next level and are interested in a coaching program that will get you there check out: https://pivotpointadvantage.com/iwantsuccess 

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